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At Pookie Poo Bears, we take pride into what we do for our puppies. They are not just dogs they are family. Take a look around the website and read a little, enjoy looking at all the pictures of all the pups, and hopefully you will find your new family member with us….


The Shichon breed is hypo-allergenic and non-shedding. This particular breed was originally designed for children with special needs. They are very intelligent and very easy to train.


Did You Know Shichon Teddy Bears are bred for their temperament, unlike most small dogs these days they are not high strung, and only bark occasionally when playing or if a stranger comes in your home unannounced. The Shichon Teddy bears were originally bred for handicapped children, so they could hug and squeeze them without getting a nip and struggle and instead get licks and love in return.


The Shichon Teddy bears have a rag doll feel to them, they're hair comes in ether very soft and curly or a strait airy silky type, both hair types are very nice to the feel of them, unlike any dog you may have petted in the past. They are also virtually hypoallergenic, and extremely affectionate. They can learn tricks, and love to show off, they are great with people and love other pets, they like playing catch, love swimming and chasing people to lick them like crazy.


They are always growing hair, so you can try many styles with them, there is the teddy cut (trim 3-4 inches all the way around) and classy cut (cutting hair short expect on ears and tail with feathered feet) among many others, try your own new ideas, its OK it'll grow back!


Shichon's also look adorable in outfits, and they don't mind prancing around in them ether, they are unlike any other dog and will cause attention wherever they Rome. Shichon Teddy Bears adore there owners, they sit and watch for your expressions, shoot they like just to sit there and give you love eyes all day! They love to sleep with their owners, and are always flopping around on you and licking you.

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